Literary Hub describes itself as “a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life.” With a robust website and a dazzling daily e-newsletter, Literary Hub is a worthwhile website for any book lover.
Partnering with publishers, literary reviews, bookstores, journals, literary non-profits and other bookish websites, Literary Hub gathers the best literary content scattered about the web and serves it up in one juicy link-littered newsletter delivered daily to your inbox. Smart, engaging and entertaining, the LitHub Daily e-newsletter will fast become a daily distraction, a disciplinary challenge to anyone who ventures a peek before opening their work email!
Go beyond your inbox to the Literary Hub website itself, and you can all but say goodbye to checking anything off your “to do” list. Regardless of where you begin –Book Marks, Features, Excerpts, Bookshelf or the LitHub Daily (the blog style “archive” of the daily emails already distracting you) – expect a barrage of new title features, book reviews, author interviews, literary news, and meaty features as diverse as “The Ultimate Literary Ten-Course Meal” to “Men of Power and Their Obsession with Winston Churchill: Visiting the World’s Foremost (and Only) Bookstore Devoted to Churchill” to “Why Do Writers Love Birding So Much? An Investigation, Featuring All of Your Favorite Bird Lovers.”
This site is so rich in content, it’s hard to know what to highlight. Best to visit it yourself.